
Wingspan: Taking Care of Our Community Caretakers

Wingspan is a Not-for-Profit project launched to unite folks at the grassroots-level who want to provide much needed support for volunteers and staff from the non-profit and charitable sectors. We believe that those who are deeply involved in community building work are best positioned to support others in the field because of a shared awareness of the challenges and joys of working in community. Using shared resources in the Wingspan fund, we support projects, led by community, that recognize and uplift community caretakers who are building the kinds of inclusive, brave and connected communities we are grateful to live in.

Through Fellowship programs and caring communities of practice, Wingspan programs create havens of rest and reflection, empowering volunteers and workers to combat burnout and revitalize their passion for community service. Together, we’re pioneering new strategies to foster well-being and resilience among those who selflessly give their time and talent to build community. Join us as a participant, as a facilitator, or as a funder, as we create transformative journeys of deep care and collective empowerment for the community sector. Together, we can ignite hope and sustain the heartbeat of social change.

Programs in 2024


Care for Caretakers Fellowship: Jun-Nov 2024 Pictou/Antigonish/Guysborough

To the volunteers and staff who have tirelessly given of themselves to support community projects across Pictou/Antigonish/Guysborough, we see you and the work you are putting in because we are deep in the work with you. As community organizers ourselves, with personal experience with burnout and the fatigue that comes from housing, feeding, and providing support for others in our community, we know sometimes the pace and pressure can feel overwhelming. This is especially true if you are also while also providing child or elder care at home.

We recognize the challenges you face. We  worry that you might not have your own needs met and that your bucket might be emptying and that you might struggle to find healthy habits to build yourself back up again. If this sounds familiar and you would like to lean back into a caring community, we invite you to consider joining our  Care for Caretakers Fellowship.


NS Community Impact Leaders Retreat June 20-23rd 2024


Leaders, at any level, working to create positive impact in community, strive to improve our collective quality of life and make sure nobody is left behind. They are a source of inspiration and innovation in the face of complex challenges we’re facing. But many leaders are struggling with burnout and we are witnessing how much people are craving opportunities for rest, connection and getting reenergized for their work.

Racially diverse leaders are disproportionately affected and are often without the supports needed to thrive in their roles. We are partnering with the Wingspan initiative to create an opportunity to unite this community of diverse changemakers and help them increase their impact.

Rethinking and Relocalizing Philanthropy

We are in the midst of challenging times, with issues that are of a scale, complexity, and urgency that inspires solutions from all levels. Ours is an “all hands on deck” world as everyone, within their unique means, has a responsibility to contribute to building the kinds of communities we all want to live in. From simple acts of “caremongering”, to nationally impactful social innovations, together we ARE able to make impactful change. 

Our founding team – composed of the Centre for Local Prosperity, Community Foundation of Nova Scotia, Backr Ltd., and FireLoch – is reaching out with strategic invitation to those in our community interested in learning together about what might be possible if we reimagined local philanthropy in Nova Scotia. Because of the work we each do, we know there are others curious about a new path forward and gathering together is a way to feel like we are not alone in this work. Find out more and register to join this conversation today

Support our work

Contribute to the Wingspan Fund

Wingspan is a donor-advised fund with the Community Foundations of Nova Scotia. Any contributions over $25 are eligible for tax receipts and will support caretaking of our community caretakers